Archaeological excursion Pompeii, Herculaneum, Vesuvius

Richiesta escursione

Discover the history and the natural beauties of this land through the archaeological sites of Pompeii and Hercualneum and the charming of the Mount Vesuvius. With a private driver that pick you up from your hotel, you can have a perfect day tour around the most important poit of interest of the region in total relax .

UNESCO heritage from the 1997, Pompeii it's your first stop with the ancient rests of the Roman city. Looking the villas, the mosaics, The ancient shops and stone streets you will know the splendor of the city before the 79 Vesuvio DC eruption.

Near Pompeii there is Herculaneum, another famous archaeological site that you must visit for his historic importance.

The last stop is the Mount Vesuvius one of the last active volcanoes in Italy. From its peak you can see the amazing landscape of the Gulf of Naples.

At the end of the tour your driver will bring you back at the hotel.

I prezzi dei tour variano in base alla tipologia e alle vostre preferenze, il pagamento sarà effettuato in contanti al termine del tour.

Angela Grimaldi Tours

Via Antignano 11
80128 Napoli Italy

cell: +39 331 548 32 92

PIVA: 06797221212

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